It's been about a year since I quite playing the Yugioh Trading Card Game and truthfully I don't miss it.
There are many things that I hated about the game, one of which was going through my collection choosing the cards I could use in my deck and since cards are made to go together in different ways it's impossible to arrange your collection to find those cards easy. I would have to go through my collection a few times to find additional card I could add later and figuring out what's not necessary. Just thinking about having to do that is giving me a headache.
Now that the cards are chosen I have to then eliminate some of them to make the deck work. Having to pick out cards and card combos to remove just makes the headache even worse. I gotta reduce the number of cards in the deck to somewhere between 40 and 44 to make it work.
Creating a Yugioh Deck is hard enough, now I have to try and understand how to play the game itself. Some of the card text for effects don't even make sense, and then there comes times when they combos seem to not work the way there written. You actually have to look the individual cards up online in there card database to really know what would happen for each situation. At this point it seems like there is no point to even have text written on the cards.
Yugioh not only messes with my mind, it also messes with my wallet. To make a good deck you need to get the right cards to improve it and that can cost you. Here you get two choices, either you buy the booster packs and pray to get the cards you want, or you can buy the individual cards.
By buying the individual cards you guaranty you will get the cards you need but it'll cost you a lot, even 100's of dollars. This may sound like buying the booster would be cheaper but that could actually cost more since you'll have to buy so many packs and still you may not get it.
There is one final reason why I quite playing, it seemed like no matter how long much I tried I could never make a good deck that I liked.
I did however found a way to solve most of these problems, by getting the video game Yugioh World Championship every year for about $40 I can bypass most of these problems. It did good for two years but I never got 2011 and, well, I just couldn't enjoy the game anymore. I decided that I had enough of it and decided to quit.
Since I no longer concerned myself with Yugioh it freed me to look at other things, and that was good for me.
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